The 10-mile Wild Night Run at South Brent was adjusted to 2 x 5-mile laps due to extreme bogginess. With over 500m of ascent it was a very challenging event held in the cool, dark evening. Jonathan Soellner finished in 1:40:50.
The first of the Winter Series runs by Purple Gecko was held at Haldon Forest and we had 7 runners taking part in the undulating (and chilly) course. A downhill start through the forest was soon followed by plenty of uphill.
Well done to our runners Jenni Hardy 40:37, Tara Knight 43:39, Suzanne Waygood 44:03, Kate Mary 45:04, Katy Tapp 45:07, Emma Hensley 47:15 and Emma Mann 48:30.

Vicky and Martin Cortvriend travelled all the way to Madeira to take part in the Funchal Half Marathon with Vicky completing the course in 2:48:27, and Martin in 1:47:02taking second place in the M65 category. Well done!

Caragh Mellit was also on her travels, but not quite so far afield. She took part in the Gloucester Half Marathon. All those early morning training sessions have really paid off as she achieved a fantastic time of 1:47:21, taking over 2 minutes off her PB.